How Much Water To Bring For Camping (Here’s The Answer!)

How Much Water To Bring For Camping: Here’s Your Answer

Camping is the most popular and fun outdoor activity. While outdoors, we need to keep our bodies hydrated because outdoor heat and activity can easily cause dehydration and lead to other health complications.

So drinking water frequently is very important. But drinking water from a bad source can lead to diarrhea and vomiting. So we need to carry drinkable water for camping.

Now, the question is how much water to bring for Camping? The answer to this question depends on various factors such as weather, number of persons, etc. So, let’s take a look at them.

How Much Water To Bring For Camping

How Much Water To Bring For Camping: Here’s What You Need To Know

Drinking-Water Per Person Per Day

Have you ever counted the liters of water you use on a daily basis? Camping can make you aware of the amount of water you need to use on a daily basis.

You will need to bring almost 4.5 liters (1 gallon) of water only for drinking purposes only. And you will need water for cooking, and cleaning as well.

Count Your Gallons Depending On These Factors


It is quite evident that the climate of any given location greatly affects how much water your body requires. Just like how in a cold-weather climate we need to conserve how much water we take in.

Similarly hot, humid, and dry climate naturally increases our need to drink more water since most of it will be lost through sweating. Desserts are considered an exotic and exciting place to camp but it also demands the need to carry more than 6 liters of water with you.

Water for camping


It can be deemed as common sense that the more activity you do while camping, the more exhausted you’ll become hence the more fluids your body shall require. The amount of water you take with you on your camping trip may be determined by the level of activity you plan on doing.

The more strenuous the activity such as hiking, cycling, the more water you shall consume. Although, it is not advisable to carry heavy disposable jugs of water. Instead, you can carry reusable insulated jugs which can prove to be a great camping investment.

One can also consider carrying a hydration backpack if you wish to avoid taking a break every now and then just to drink water. Here’s one from TETON Sports that is best suitable for camping:

Hydration Backpack For Camping
(Click Image For Full Details)

  Number of Campers

Camping can be an educational experience to help one understand exactly how much water they would require in a day. You will realize that it is not only for drinking purposes but many other such activities such as washing, bathing, and first-aid, and so on.

There isn’t always an added source of water around you therefore carrying a water jug with you is even more important.

  Natural Water Source

As mentioned in the last paragraph, there isn’t always an open-source of fresh drinking water around your campsite but that doesn’t mean you can’t take your campsite to the water.

It can become much more convenient for you to do some research for the best camp location where you have plenty of water available to you.

Drink Water From Natural Water Source While Camping

Then again, it is important to carry some pre-packaged water just in case as you will still need to boil water before ingestion all whilst keeping yourself hydrated.

  Don’t Forget Your Pet

It has become quite a common practice to bring along pets with you on your camping trips as they too require the fresh air of the outdoors.

Therefore it is important to understand that your pet requires a more precise amount of water at certain intervals. Hence, make sure you account for the amount of water your pet needs, and don’t forget to bring a bowl.

Tips on using Water

Here are 3 important tips that can reduce the weight you carry and use your water efficiently:

  Use Water From Your Food

Water is not light enough to carry and it is not the first thing that you need to carry to your camping trip. So wouldn’t it be great if you can get water from your food?

Fruits like watermelons, Oranges, Bananas, and cucumbers contain 75 to 90% water. And these fruits are nutrition-rich.

Eat Fruits As A Water Source While Camping

So if you carry plenty of fruits for your camping journey you can eat them to stay hydrated.

  Drink Water Before Hiking/Trekking

If your camping activity includes hiking or trekking all day long, then it can be tough to carry a lot of water with you throughout the journey. An easy solution to this problem is to drink as much water as possible while you are still at your campsite to decrease the amount of water you are carrying for yourself.

And if your route includes places where you can drink then you can simply carry a small bottle of water. Refill your bottle and bladder on your stop.


If you can reuse the water you are carrying for use other than drinking then you can cut your water baggage in half.

The water you are using for boiling vegetables or pasta, you can use the same water for making soup or sauce and even clean utensils you are using before and after a meal.

Final Thoughts

The final tip is to carry as much water as possible. If you are taking your pet with you then take his water consumption into account. Be calculative while using water.

Keep the number of days in mind while you pick your jars. Rather than carrying a big jar of water, distribute that weight in small bottles and further distribute the bottles into your group of family members who are accompanying you.

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